Radiology Data

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Radiology Data & Research (RDR) supports medical imaging industry marketers with hard-to-find market intelligence on the diagnostic imaging segment.

Since 2010, RDR researchers have maintained the nation's leading installed-base equipment registry for imaging equipment. As of March 2024, this includes over 46,000 advanced imaging scanners.

Customers use RDR to:

  • Identify and reach key imaging decision makers at over 5,200 acute care hospitals and 10,200 outpatient sites

    • Contact names, email addresses and phone

  • Quickly find facilities that have installed a specific piece of equipment

    • Analyze the MRI installed-base along with other imaging modalities

      • CT installed-base

      • PET/CT installed-base

      • Ultrasound installed-base

      • X-ray installed-base

  • Update their internal sales and marketing databases

  • Recruit decision-makers for market research studies

    • Director of Radiology

    • C-suite

...and much more

Individual Read-Only Subscriptions (limited search capabilities and no downloading) or Corporate Database Licenses (extensive search/queries and unlimited downloading) available. RDR also provides custom market research and lead generation services. 

Call 303-941-4457 TODAY or EMAIL >